Creating a Tennis Diet Plan for Kids

The athlete’s nutrition is an important aspect of sports performance for both beginners and professionals. A smart diet plan for children who participate in sports like tennis from an early age can help them maintain a healthful diet throughout their lives. A healthy nutrition plan will not only improve fitness levels but will also aid in the development of strength and endurance levels during matches.

Professional athletes hire nutritionists to help them with their diet since they understand how important it is to their performance. Most of us don’t have the financial means to hire a dietician, but that doesn’t mean you can’t come up with a suitable diet plan on your own. One of the most significant problems with children’s diet plans is that they are pickier about what they consume.

So devising a diet plan that not only works but also appeals to them is half of the issue. Many families try with getting veggies into their children’s meals, but with a little ingenuity in the kitchen, there are ways to get around this. The majority of young athletes consume the proper quantity of food for their bodies.

However, some young athletes have higher energy and hydration requirements. All-day events or intense physical sports (such as rowing, cross-country running, or competitive swimming) can last anywhere from 112 to 2 hours or more. Children and teenagers who engage in these activities may require additional food to meet their elevated energy needs. You can measure the burned calories.

Nutrition Needs

Active, athletic children and teenagers require:

1: Vitamins and minerals

Children require a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Calcium and iron are two crucial nutrients for athletes: calcium helps create strong bones that prevent breaking and stress cracks; iron helps develop strong bones that withstand breaking.

Low-fat dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese, as well as leafy green vegetables like broccoli, are high in calcium.

Iron aids in the transport of oxygen to all of the body’s vital organs. Lean meat, poultry, tuna, salmon, eggs, dried fruits, leafy green vegetables, and fortified whole grains are all high in iron.

2: Proteins

Protein is essential for muscle growth and repair, and most youngsters get plenty of it from a well-balanced diet. Fish, lean meat and poultry, dairy products, beans, nuts, and soy products are all high in protein.

3: Carbohydrates

Carbs are a vital form of energy for a young athlete since they supply energy to the body. Children will run out of energy if they do not consume carbohydrates. Look for whole-grain items like whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, whole-grain bread, and cereal, as well as plenty of fruits and vegetables, when selecting carbs.


Include carbohydrates/grains, carbohydrates/fruits, protein, and energy. This meal should be had before the mind and body begin to operate at full capacity (for example, school and fitness/sport).

Breakfast ideas include:

  • Oatmeal
  • Omelet with egg whites and spinach
  • Wrap with spinach, feta, and egg whites
  • Breakfast sandwich on an English muffin
  • Flatbread with egg and meat

Fuel and hydration should be consumed first thing in the morning.

Mini Meal

Include carbohydrates, fruits, and protein.

Mini-meal suggestions include:

  • Fruit
  • Bars with protein
  • Mixture for hiking


Include carbohydrates/grains, veggies, protein, and hydration in your diet.

Lunch options include:

  • Sandwich with meat and cheese
  • Fish grilled
  • Steak sirloin
  • Burritos or other protein/veggie bowls
  • Wraps with meat and cheese
  • Sushi


Include carbohydrates, fruits, and fluids; this meal should be eaten after fitness and before sports because your muscles have already begun to function and require fuel to repair, rebuild, and grow.

Snack suggestions include:

  • Protein/fuel bars
  • Bananas
  • Shake with protein


Include starch/grain, vegetable, protein, and hydration; this meal should be eaten after a workout to continue the body’s repairing and feeding. To maintain a balanced and healthier plate, Barcal recommends including 3-4 diverse and vividly colored meals at each lunch and dinner.

Dinner suggestions include:

  • Sandwich with meat and cheese
  • Fish grilled
  • Steak sirloin
  • Burritos or other protein/veggie bowls
  • Wraps with meat and cheese
  • Sushi

3 – 4 Hours before Game

Healthy fats, whole grains, low-fat protein, and fruits and vegetables like:

  • Sandwiches made with lean deli meat
  • Grilled seafood or baked chicken
  • Vegetables and rice
  • Omelet
  • Fruit and toast
  • Oatmeal
  • Banana and yogurt
  • Trail mix/almonds
  • Bars with protein and granola
  • Parfaits of yogurt
  • Gatorade

Eggs, chicken, or turkey sausage are slimmer options than pork for a pre-game lunch.

Snack 1 -2 hours before Match

Fruits, low-fat protein, and grains with a reasonable amount of fiber (avoid high-fat and high-protein foods), such as:

  • Fuel bars made with Gatorade Prime
  • Graph bars
  • Goldfish
  • Peanut butter on a bagel
  • The Clif Bar
  • Yogurt with apple slices
  • Granola bar with low fiber

Snack before 30 mint of Game

Add fast-digesting cards, fruits, and low-sugar drinks, such as:

  • Bags of little pretzels
  • Dried fruit and raisins
  • Energy snacks from Gatorade Prime
  • Simple crackers
  • Apple, banana, or grapes, fresh
  • Sports beverages

Drinks Intake

Young athletes should drink lots of water to avoid dehydration, which can sap stamina, energy, and concentration and result in heat illness. Mild dehydration might have a negative impact on athletic performance. Athletes can’t detect if they’re dehydrated by their thirst. Thirst is an indication that their body has been dehydrated for some time.

Water should be consumed prior to physical exercise and every 15 to 20 minutes thereafter. They should also drink water thereafter to replenish fluids lost via sweating. Although there are numerous sports drinks accessible, plain water is generally sufficient to keep children hydrated.

Sugary drinks and fizzy beverages should be avoided by children because they can cause stomach distress. Sports drinks are a good option for kids who engage in a lot of physical exercises.

Final Words:

After the game, don’t forget about the post-game dinner! To aid muscle recovery, Barcal suggests a fruit smoothie with protein powder or a meal rich in carbohydrates, protein, and liquids! Now is the moment to get serious about developing a healthy and strategic nutrition plan for young athletes.