When it comes to rules, tennis may be a challenging sport. These regulations can be confusing for a newcomer. Even if you’ve been playing for a long time, you can run along with regulations you didn’t know about. If you watch tennis on television, you’ll see that even the best players in the world have disagreements with officials about specific rules.
Tennis is a sport that takes place on a rectangular field with a net right through the middle. It might be any of a variety of surfaces It can be played with two players (singles match) or four players (four-player match) (doubles match). Players stand on opposing sides of the net, hitting the ball back and forth with a stretched racquet.
The goal is to knock the ball over the fence and land it within the court’s borders in such a way that your competitor will be incapable to give it back. Every time your opposite player is unable to return the ball within the court, you gain a point.
Singles Tennis Rules – Court Layout
Before diving into the rules of tennis, it’s essential to comprehend how a tennis court is laid out. It will be easy to comprehend the scoring criteria and the distinctions between singles and doubles if you do so. The fundamental specs for a tennis court are shown below.

What Do the Lines Suggest?
The baseline represents the longitudinal border of the court. It has two functions:
- A player must remain behind of baseline when serving.
- If a player hits a shot that lands beyond the baseline, the shot is declared out, and the player loses the point.
Double Line
The doubles line, as its name suggests, is only useful during doubles matches. During a doubles match, it suggests the courts’ widthwise boundary. It makes no difference in singles matches.
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Singles Line
The Singles Line is similar to the Doubles Line, but only for singles matches. In a one-on-one contest, this specifies the court’s widthwise bounds. Any shot that bounces beyond these lines is declared out, and the player loses a point as a result.
Center Service Line
The center service line, which runs parallel to the center mark, splits the court into two halves: left and right. It is only applicable during a player’s serve, just like the center mark and the service line. A player must serve either from the right or left of this line, according to the score. The serve is termed a miss if the player fails to hit.
Service Line
When joined with the center service line, creates the service box. The service line marks the longitudinal boundary of the region in which a player’s ball must land. A miss occurs when a serve lands further than the service line.
Center Mark
The entire objective of this line is to demonstrate where the player must stand before the service. A server will begin serving a game on the right side of the center mark, then swap between left and right at each point thereafter.

Left & Right Service Box
The most crucial aspect you should be aware of right now. The regions where players must strike their serves are listed below. For the time being, all you need to know is that a player must mix and match each point, taking the right service box one point and the left service box the next.
Double Ally
Only during doubles matches are these areas significant. Consider them an “addition” to the singles court. A doubles match has four players rather than two, so the court is slightly larger.
Total Court Area
As previously stated, the doubles court is larger than the singles court. Every player’s shot must land on a total court area.

Net Height
Even though the net height isn’t strictly an area, it’s worth noting. A player’s shot must clear the net on every attempt. However, it is regarded as an error, and a point is deducted.